There was also lots of action with Lucia/Celia last week. I had two bouts of pretty deceptive "practice labor" that had Andre and I and my parents pretty convinced that labor was imminent. The first started on Monday afternoon while mom and I were driving back from grocery shopping in Seattle. As excited as mom is about her first grandchild, when I started having contractions twenty minutes apart as we were driving over Snoqualmie Pass she was cursing me as she thought through what she'd do if this was real labor and went fast. But while the contractions got pretty regular and by Tuesday were coming about every ten minutes, they never got very hard and they just quit by Tuesday night when Andre and I went to sleep. The same thing happened on Thursday too. The benefit of all of this practice labor has been that it kicked Andre and I into high gear and got us to scratch the last few things off of our "before the baby comes" to do list. Andre tracked down some great relaxation tracks for during labor and made a playlist of music to play for the baby's arrival (mostly the second half of Abbey Road, starting with Here Comes the Sun). We got some help from my parent's friends Lizzie and Gary to finally install the car seat in the Subaru, and I buckled down and finished up some of the work that needed to be done in the nursery. It's still not quite finished, but I've been meaning to post a few pics of her room so you all can see where will be hanging out some for the first few months and where she'll sleep once she's too big for the bassinet in our room.
My parents hosted the annual apple squeeze out on the farm this past weekend and there were lots of friends and family there. It was Andre and Molly's first experience making cider and they both dug in with gusto. Molly really loves apples and was lots of help cleaning up the discard pile. On Sunday a bunch of us went up and did the Icicle Gorge Trail hike (4 miles) and enjoyed the amazing fall colors. We were all hoping that might get labor going again, but no luck. It did wear dear Molly out, she passed out the minute we got back to the car and slept the 30 minutes back to the farm. I'm pretty sure that if we're all getting 4 miles in she's getting at least 8 miles running back and forth ahead and behind us off leash on the trail.
For those of you who've placed bets on the date of delivery or are just wondering about the status of things given our due date is this Friday, October 19th, here are the stats from our midwife visit on Monday evening:
2 cm dilated
2 cm dilated
pretty much fully effaced
-1 station
This means that everything is going pretty well with my cervix, and as our fabulous midwife says "it's nice and squishy" and ready for Lucia/Celia's exit. The -1 station means that she's about as low as she can go before the pushing stage of labor starts, and all of the practice labor last week has taken care of 2 cm of the 10 that my cervix will need to dilate before delivery. This still doesn't necessarily tell us anything about when she'll arrive - the average first pregnancy goes 41 and 1/7 weeks (which would put us at next Saturday, October 27). Let's all cross our fingers she comes sooner, but my new mantra is that every day is another day closer to her arrival and that's about all we know for sure. She'll be here anytime now (and I think whoever wins that due date pool should share the prize with me as I'll be the one doing all the work;)!